Numbers IF Function

If, Then, Else

The basic syntax of the Numbers IF function

=IF(logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)

What does it do?

The IF function evaluates a logical test… what does that mean? It means it tests if a statement is either true or false. If the logical test proves true, Numbers will show the value of the ‘value_is_true’ portion of the formula. If the logical test proves false, Numbers will show the value of the ‘value_is_false’ portion of the formula. All portions of the formula, logical_test, value_if_true, and value_if_false, may be additional formulas, numbers or text. Value_if_true and value_if_false, can output values of nothing, and other cells.

Follow along with the video above to get a closer glimpse at a simple use of the function.


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