Free iWork Templates Blog
iWork Features Missing from the Latest Release Coming Back Soon
When the latest version of iWork was release two weeks ago it became obvious that many of the items and features we've grown to love were excluding from the software. This isn't much different from past releases but so many popular features seemed to be dropped in...
How To Save As in iWork on OSX Lion
My wife bought me OSX Lion for Christmas, I was really excited and played with it a ton, when it came time to put a template on the blog I had a different sort of problem. I couldn't figure out how to "Save As" in any of the three programs. After some serious digging...
New iWork Templates Newsletter
Believe it or not this coming March the Free iWork Templates blog turns 4 years old. I'm just so excited that my wife and I could share this part of our lives with you. It really has been so much fun to write and produce this blog.Today we are starting a facet of our...
Use Keynote to Create Presentations With Images and Improvisation
In this day and age almost everybody has seen a presentation using a standard template. Most of the time people tend to use the default templates provided by the software due to a lack of time. They want to create presentations which are simple in nature and easy to...
iOS 5.0.1 Has been Released Will Address Bugs in iCloud Documents
Many people have been complaining about Documents not uploading to iCloud documents and data, or not uploading completely on iCloud. Apple hopes to alleviate those bugs as well as the more publicized battery issues in the first update to iOS 5, 5.0.1. This update will...
Now On Google+
Thats right iWork Templates is now on Google+! They've opened up brand pages on the newest popular social network and we're jumping on board. If you're connecting on their please add us to one of your circles. You can also connect on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
Pages is Page Layout Software and a Word Processor
I'm sure most people who have Pages use it like they use Microsoft's Word. If you've never played with Page Layout side of Pages you're missing out on a lot of great stuff. Pages is designed not only to type a letter, or to write you resume, but also to format...
How to keep your passwords safe using Numbers
The last time I checked, I was up to 197 usernames and passwords for various websites and services. I don't think I have to tell you that keeping all of those logins safe and organized is one of the most common hassles any computer user can run into. However, iWork...
30 Days of iWork
In November, I'm planning a 30 days of iWork event! That's right an entire event focused on iWork, new templates, new themes, new tips, new everything! 30 days of making your iWork experience so much better.If your a regular reader of the blog you're going to love...