Because of Steve Jobs I Work

by | Nov 1, 2011 | 30 Days of iWork | 0 comments

The Free iWork Templates Blog has experienced unbridled success it been published in several books, has a place on Apple’s iWork resource page, and most importantly has 1000s of downloads per month. Its traffic has increased every month its been in existence, and its revenue has as well. But let’s be honest for a minute, this blog wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for Steve Jobs. I wouldn’t have purchased and iMac or iWork without Steve Jobs and everyone knows that Bill Gates would not have thought up the idea for fonts like Steve did.

When I heard the news that he had died I found myself surprised and not surprised at the same time, knowing that his health was bad. But completely and unmistakably appreciative for without him an entire aspect of my personal life would not be. For that matter, because of Steve Jobs many people work around the world to design, assemble, and sell Apple products. But like Edison, Bell and Whitney Steve Jobs’ legacy goes much deeper and much further than Apple’s quarterly income statement could ever imagine.
Over the next 30 Days we will celebrate iWork. This was planned far before the news of Steve’s death, but seems fitting. There will be new templates, guest posts from some iWork authors, video tutorials, and even a bunch of tweets. Its a crazy idea to celebrate an tool used for work, when is the last time anyone celebrated a hammer? Let’s not think of iWork as a tool let think of iWork as a paintbrush, because whatever document your writing, spreadsheet your using to calculate, or presentation you’re designing – you are creating art. So, let’s together celebrate this art form by getting to work.
Thank you Steve, you’ve inspired me as well as many others to pick up a paintbrush.


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