Eshinee Veith sent this template in – it is probably one of the most intricate templates up on iworktemplates. You know though I think I’ll let her explain it. This text is on the first page of the template. I hope that you enjoy it!
This spreadsheet is a nutritional needs calculator based on the formulas in Patrick Holford’s New Optimum Nutrition Bible, Piatkus Books, © 2004, ISBN 978-1580911672.
To use it, simply check all symptoms that currently apply to you in the tables on the Vitamins, Minerals and Lifestyle Analysis sheets.
The Symptom Scores sheet contains the interaction of the data input on those 3 sheets. Don’t enter any data on this sheet as it is automatically calculated from the previously completed sheets.
The Nutrition Needs sheet is also automatically calculated, with the exception of the Basic Info table. The only field in the Basic Info table that you need to complete in order for the calculation to be accurate is the weight field. However, this field is only necessary if you are completing the calculations for a child under the age of 11.
The Nutrition Needs sheet is formatted for easy printing or saving as a pdf, for reference in vitamin shopping or working out a grocery shopping list. I have also hyperlinked nutrients on this sheet to relevant webpages on the World’s Healthiest Foods website. There, you can see how to get those nutrients from food sources alone.
The Food Sources sheet uses information from the World’s Healthiest Foods website to give you a daily serving of food example to concisely and adequately meet that particular nutritional need, where possible. In some cases, it simply points out how hard it is to get certain nutrients from food sources alone.
For more information on individual vitamins, minerals or any symptom questions found in this freely distributed educational resource, please consult the New Optimum Nutrition Bible. It is the most comprehensive consumer guide to fundamentals of nutrition that I have come across in my 14 years of reading complementary health literature.
Grace & Peace,